
Air & Hazardous Waste Permitting

Getting a permit is a long and arduous process.

We at ZMassociates work to simplify and expedite this process, saving you time and money!

Our Air Quality & Hazardous Waste Permitting Experience and Services:

ZMassociates is a leader in air and hazardous waste permitting. Mr.Thomas Miller’s extensive background in industrial process chemistry, working within industry and government regulatory agencies, developing and managing environmental programs.  ZMassociates has developed a large working knowledge of air and hazardous waste permitting, compliance assistance, auditing, and training.

We work alongside businesses to provide detailed guidance through application or application renewal for a variety of permits including:

        • Air Quality Permit to Construct
        • Air Quality Discharge Permit
        • Title V Air Quality Permit
        • Part B Hazardous Waste Permit
        • Hazardous Waste Unit Closure and Post-Closure Permit
        • Waste Pile, Surface Impoundment, Tanks, and various specialty treatment units
        • Permit Modifications

Staying up-to-date on the current regulations, we help businesses make strategic changes to their policies and procedures. In turn, this reduces the regulatory burden and complexity of the permit application.

We also provide auditing services, utilizing government permitting checklists. This helps ensure that your business is complying with all laws and regulations which may affect you.

Past air and hazardous waste permitting work

Honeywell Torrance Title V and RECLAIM Permit Management and Updates

Baldwin Park Operable Unit Air Quality Permit Updates and Air Emission Testing from Six Air Stripper and Activated Carbon Treatment Units

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory – Leading Preparation of the Hazardous Waste Part B TSDF Permit Application.  ZMassociates staff led preparation of the Renewal Application for the RCRA TSDF Part B Hazardous Waste Permit.  Due to our substantial regulatory experience, ZMassociates was able to effectively guide the client through the massive regulatory requirements to prepare this 11-volume renewal application.  Our staff experts were instrumental in making strategic changes that reduced the regulatory burden and the complexity of the permit application.  Reducing the unnecessary content and detail in the permit application resulted in less-stringent conditions in the final approved operating permit. The permitting agency is the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), with oversight review by the U.S. EPA.  In addition to leading preparation, ZMassociates acted as auditor by reviewing the permit application using DTSC’s RCRA Permit checklist.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Library Permit Renewal Application – Performing Phase 1 preparation of the Part A and B Permit renewal application for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Library Hazardous Waste Handling Facility. During Phase 1 preparation, ZMassociates staff developed a detailed list of options for Lawrence Berkeley National Library (LBNL) to evaluate that addressed Parts A and B Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal Application due to Department of Toxic Substances Control application in April 2016. Options were based on analysis of technical documents provided by LBNL, an on-site visit and communications with LBNL staff.

air and hazardous waste permitting at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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