ZMassociates estimates human health risk in a way that regulators , clients, legal experts, scientists, and the public understand.
Examples of recent human health risk assessments (Hazardous Waste Permit Renewal, Superfund Site Cleanups, large Transportation Projects, Air Quality Permitting, and Legal Expert Witness Cases – including Wrongful Death), include:
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory trusted ZMassociates to prepare it’s Human Health Risk Assessment.
- California High Speed Rail CEQA/NEPA Environmental Impact Report – ZMassociates is preparing a human health risk assessment for two large planned construction segments of the high speed rail project. This includes modeling proposed construction air emissions using AERMOD and analyzing potential for health risk from proposed project alternative, construction emissions.
- Los Angeles METRO Transportation Authority – Union Station CEQA/NEPA – EIR/EIS Air Quality AERMOD modeling and human health risk assessment for proposed project alternative, construction emissions.
- Cerro Copper smelter (St. Louis), plant air emissions modeling using AERMOD to assess 50 years of dioxin and furan compound exposures to downwind plaintiff population suffering from high-incidence of symptoms consistent with high concentrations of dioxin and furan exposures.