
Air Quality Modeling & CEQA Air Quality Studies

How air quality modeling can reduce the cost of project air emissions and CEQA EIR mitigation requirements.

Large Utility Transmission Line Project, Imperial & San Diego Counties

San Diego Gas & Electric – Sunrise Powerlink Project
Project Construction Air Emissions and GHG Mitigation Implementation Support

ZMAssociates performed complex detailed research for emission factors for a long list of onroad and offroad vehicles to update GHG and criteria pollutant emissions estimates for the Sunrise Powerlink project spanning across Imperial and San Diego counties in Southern California. This included large, medium, and small helicopters, construction vehicles, and updated emission factors for offroad engines being upgraded or retrofitted for the project.

ZMAssociates easily modeled the update to better reflect specifics of the project as planned, allowing for significant reduction in EIR/EIS calculated NOx emissions. This detailed work provided documented, defensible, and accurate estimates of the project emissions, putting the client in a position to better negotiate project emission offsets and mitigation measures.

ZMAssociates provided onsite monitoring, record keeping, emission calculations, and reporting to the California Public Utility Commission as required in the certified EIR for construction emissions reporting.


California (949) 608-9890
Oregon (503) 223-1589

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