Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Human Health Risk Assessment
ZMassociates partnered with LLNL’s by using a cross-functional team to prepare a human health risk assessment for the Hazardous Waste Part B TSDF Permit Application, requested by the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC).
ZMassociates staff prepared a comprehensive human health risk assessment for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory following U.S. EPA and California OEHHA guidance and policy. The risk assessment covered historic defense research operations of the laboratory and focused on operations of the hazardous waste storage and treatment facilities, which manages upwards of 540 chemical compounds. This includes low level mixed radioactive substances. Emission inventories were developed for each solid waste management unit and waste processing units. Air dispersion modeling was performed using a combination of worst case SCREEN analysis, AERMOD and CALPUFF custom modeling to estimate several receptor exposure scenarios.
The risk analysis was accepted by DTSC and OEHHA reviewing agencies.