Reduce the regulatory burden preparing a Hazardous Waste Part B permit application.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Prepare the Hazardous Waste Part B – Treatment Storage & Disposal Facility (TSDF) Permit Application
ZMAssociates staff led preparation of the Renewal Application for the RCRA TSDF Part B Hazardous Waste Permit. Due to our substantial regulatory experience, ZMAssociates was able to effectively guide the client through the massive regulatory requirements to prepare this 11-volume renewal application. ZMAssociates experts were instrumental in making strategic changes that reduced the regulatory burden and the complexity of the permit application. Reducing the unnecessary content and detail in the permit application resulted in a reduction of difficult-to-comply-with conditions which can often end up in the final approved operating permit. The permitting agency is the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), with oversight review by the U.S. EPA. In addition to leading preparation, ZMAssociates acted as auditor by reviewing the permit application using DTSC’s RCRA Permit checklist.
California (949) 608-9890
Oregon (503) 223-1589
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